Audit your daily disciplines and routines;
The difference between who you are today and who you can become a year from now is found in your daily routines and your level of self-discipline.
The 100X EDGE strategy can help you live the life you want.
I am the other half of 100X EDGE. I coach men exclusively to become incredibly better versions of their former selves.
I am fearless in doing the annoyingly simple and few things every day that many men are unwilling to do to get the desired results they want in their lives.
What I do differently than most life coaches is vitally important for you to know because it impacts your ultimate result. What I coach and how I coach, I apply the same 100X EDGE mindset to my life. It’s not easy, but it’s simple and effective.
Some call me a crazy Kiwi, and I’m good with that. I have the difficult conversations with clients and speak the truth to them, I tell them what they need to hear, not what they want to hear.
Average coaches don’t do this because they fear losing a client or losing that income. Your success and continued development of sustainable self-discipline and healthy routines are more important to me than a paycheck;
I am 100% committed to keeping you as a client if you are willing to face the hard truths and do the work to change. It’s critical you bring your (A) Game.
Our 100X EDGE style of high-performance life coaching can, does, and will work for anyone and change their life.
I am an ex-military (New Zealand Navy), commercial diver, rope access technician, real estate investor, business owner, network marketing, life insurance sales, author, father, husband, Christian, CrossFit trainer, Certified high-performance life coach, emotional intelligence life coach, and entrepreneur, across 25+ years.
I have worked with, coached, trained, and supported many individuals in improving and developing themselves. My formal education was learning from my many mistakes and the mistakes of others.
Your life can be better? You, my friend, can have it.