Life Coach Catherine Wall
I am a 100X EDGE Results Focused Life Coach for women, with experience as an employee, business owner, entrepreneur, wife, mother, professional speaker, and public relations and communications consultant. Through my journey, one truth has become crystal clear—women are uniquely equipped to inspire, motivate, and empower other women to level up (get better results) in almost every area of life.
We cannot learn everything; if we could, there’s no time to do it. Urgent does not mean vital; being in charge of your life often means controlling your time, identifying what matters most, getting a plan of action, and executing it.
Change is a simple process.
I’m laughing as I write this because we’ve all said it at least once. “If only it were that easy“. It is not easy, BUT the process is simple, and that’s important here. With your effort and commitment, my commitment to you, and using our 100X EDGE framework, the change in your life will be incredible and fast.
Personal growth and change for the positive arrive quickly with a little help and a nudge in the right direction. I can help you change your life if you let me. Click the button below and schedule a free 60-minute coaching session with me.
I am a product (the result) of the 100X EDGE approach. I can help you achieve results that have eluded you.
I am an effective life coach for women not only because of what I read and listen to, or who I associate with daily but simply because I live and practice daily the principles and disciplines I coach to other women.
What women need to live the life they want is not found in college or university.
Yes, universities and colleges teach you a lot. These days, you can get a degree or diploma in practically anything. The one thing missing from most women’s resume is the “how to live an extraordinary life” diploma.
Many women make incredible income, but their lives are in shambles. Whoever said you could not have a great income, an incredible husband, meaningful relationships, a wicked physique, faith in God, and a dream to chase (all simultaneously) was wrong by a long shot.
I have learned that what many women need to live the life they want is taught outside of a college or university. The most effective way is to be coached by another woman, not any woman BUT one who lives a healthy, flexible, and disciplined life. Yes, that would be an authentic Life Coach.
I coach women who are already high performers and those who are not. I coach low, middle-income, and wealthy women. I coach employees, business owners, entrepreneurs, and retired women. These women all have three things in common, they are women, they have a dream, and they want to go get it.
I have worked with non-profit organizations for over 20 years and owned and operated an award-winning public relations business for a decade. One of the fun things I crossed off my bucket list was competing in a Canadian Physique Alliance fitness competition. I competed and came 2nd.
I am married to an incredible Kiwi (New Zealander) and a mom of two. I love living on the ocean, and one of my favourite things is having coffee with my man every morning.
I hold a degree in Public Relations from Acadia University and certifications from the Certified Coaches Alliance as a high-performance life coach and emotional intelligence life coach.